Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mending the holes in Ella's heart...

We've been let down before, but it seems it is finally, finally happening -- Ella's heart surgery. We got the call from the Dr. saying that all parts and necessary balloons are in and they are ready to do the surgery this Thursday! This is BIG news for Ella as this is the most important of her ailments that needs to be fixed. It should, and we hope will, add years to her life.

The good news is that this surgery is not as invasive as her elbow surgeries have been and the recovery should be a cakewalk for her, and the care-giving, a cakewalk for us.

Those that know Ella, including her Dr.'s, know this dog has a zest and passion for life, despite all that she has been through. And those that may have just stumbled upon this blog, and have taken a liking to Ella's story, I hope you know that my husband and I are not that crazy - we would never put her or any other animal for that matter, through all this. But Ella had it bad, and now she has it good, and I can't say it any more simply: this dog wants to live.

We pick Ella up from the hospital on Friday... I'll post again then.

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